Ethnobiological drug discovery in Latin America

In the 1530s, the French seafaring explorer Jacques Cartier noticed that indigenous slaves did not die from the debilitating disease that was spreading through the ranks of his sailors. Upon inquiry, Cartier learned from Dom Agaya, one of the Huron natives, that the use of decoctions from the ameda tree protected them against scurvy. This … Continue reading Ethnobiological drug discovery in Latin America

Using satellites to find kidnapped people in Mexico, thirty-five species found in Ecuador since 2008, and Argentina beats out China in oilseed production.

MEXICO Students of Mexico’s National Polytechnic Institute are hoping to facilitate the rescue of kidnapped or missing persons using a satellite navigation system. The system won first prize for Latin America in the European Satellite Navigation Competition 2013. UNAM, the Juárez Hospital and the National Institute of Genomic Medicine are collecting indigenous genetic data for studies … Continue reading Using satellites to find kidnapped people in Mexico, thirty-five species found in Ecuador since 2008, and Argentina beats out China in oilseed production.

Weekly digest: An in-depth look at Belo Monte dam, the threat of a fungus on Latin America’s bananas and exporting the Galapagos model to Chile.

BRAZIL In mid-2011, construction started on Brazil’s Belo Monte hydroelectric dam on a southeast tributary of the Amazon started and by early 2015 should supply 18 million people with its 11,200 MW capacity. Of course, that’s when the Xingu river is flowing at full strength. The average capacity will generate 4,500 MW. Folha de Sao … Continue reading Weekly digest: An in-depth look at Belo Monte dam, the threat of a fungus on Latin America’s bananas and exporting the Galapagos model to Chile.