An ichthyosaur cementery found in Chile, the aerodynamic ‘Brazuca’ World Cup ball, and Mexico’s huge new aquarium

Chile Paleontologists in southern Chile have discovered an ichthyosaur cemetery with at least 46 complete ichthyosaurs. Ichthyosaurs are marine reptiles that disappeared 99 million years ago. One of the fossils contained two embryos. Brazil Studies suggest that the World Cup ‘Brazuca’ ball’s aerodynamics will allow players to pass faster and kick the ball more accurately. … Continue reading An ichthyosaur cementery found in Chile, the aerodynamic ‘Brazuca’ World Cup ball, and Mexico’s huge new aquarium

This is your brain on tango, combating coffee rust in Central America, and developing vaccines in Cuba.

Argentina Argentine researchers studied the brains of 80 tango dancers and determined that some could predict–or better anticipate–actions. Using sample videos of tango steps executed with different correction levels and correlating these with high density EEG, they determined that the anticipatory activity depends on the degree of experience of the subject. Rosario scientists designed a … Continue reading This is your brain on tango, combating coffee rust in Central America, and developing vaccines in Cuba.

A long-necked dinosaur found in Patagonia, one of America’s first settlers found in Mexico, and how to protect the World Cup mascot the giant armadillo

Argentina The fossilized remains of a long-necked sauropod have been found in Patagonia. The paleontologists estimate that the animal inhabited the area 140 million years ago. Seven other dinosaurs have been found in the same area; scientists believe it is a place they chose to die. Mexico In a cenote (water hole) in the Yucatan … Continue reading A long-necked dinosaur found in Patagonia, one of America’s first settlers found in Mexico, and how to protect the World Cup mascot the giant armadillo

Costa Rica moves to close its zoos, coca and alcohol used in Incan human sacrifice, and Usain Bolt’s superhuman abilities.

ARGENTINA CONICET scientists have developed and field-tested potatoes resistant to Potato Virus Y (PVY), which causes losses of between 20% and 80% of the crop depending on the severity of the infection. Field tests concluded that there was no PVY infection in the genetically-modified plants, while among those not modified, the rate of infection was … Continue reading Costa Rica moves to close its zoos, coca and alcohol used in Incan human sacrifice, and Usain Bolt’s superhuman abilities.

Thursday July 26

Argentines are protesting a new Monsanto factory in Cordoba, Peruvians are reviving ancient farming practices and almost 5 million chickens have been slaughtered in Mexico to contain the H7N3 avian flu. ARGENTINA A cropdusting lawsuit in Córdoba, Argentina resumed this week. Two soybean farmers and a pilot stand accused of cropdusting too close to urban … Continue reading Thursday July 26